Welcome to our Parish Website our office hours are 9am-2pm Weekdays excluding Public Holidays
Weekly Worship Times
Sunday's 9.30am Mass at Morisset
After Mass every 3rd Sunday of the Month a Cuppa is held in the Parish Centre.
Saturday's 5pm Mass at Morisset
(Coincides with the 1st & 3rd Sunday's of the month)
Saturday's 5pm Mass at Cooranbong
(Coincides with the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday's of the month)
Tuesday's 9.30am Mass at Morisset


Main Worship Centre

The Parish of St John Vianney has as its purpose,
to become more and more a genuine community;
in friendship and faith,
in mutual caring service,
where everyone feels at home and has a part to play,
its members loyal to one and another,
but is open to all.
We have a comprehensive and ongoing Parish Project which is designed precisely to do that. To help our parish to grow as a community.
St John Vianney Parish consists of seven geographical areas and these are Bonnells Bay, Cooranbong, Dora Creek, Peninsula, Sugar Bay, and Wyee.